
ProX bearing replaces 91101-NX5-023
VHM conrod kit Honda RS125 '95+

VHM conrod kit Honda RS125 '95-'10 A-kit design, �24 B.E.pin
RS125 Crankshaft Rebuild Service

Rebuild your Std Honda RS125 crankshaft by a true professional 2-stroke engine builder, Roland Cushway.
We have rebuilt cranks on the shelf that Roland has inspected and then rebuilt using VHM connecting rod kits. These are the best kits on the market, and installed by one of the best engine builders in the world. By having them pre-built, you don't have to wait weeks for shipping, rebuild, re-shipping and then install. We have these on the shelf and ready to ship.
Core deposit of $150 will be refunded if your good rebuild-able crank is received within 30 days of purchase. So the real total cost of this rebuild is $741.71. Removing the cost of the VHM kit, you're down to under $300 to get a truly professional crank rebuild using top-of-the-line parts.
AK20107AVHMCrankshaft middle inertia Honda RS125 '95-'10

Crankshaft middle inertia Honda RS125 '95-'10
AK20107BVHMCrankshaft high inertia Honda RS125 '95-'10

Crankshaft high inertia Honda RS125 '95-'10